This Water Bottle Will Fix Your Marketing


Hey, it’s Chin Gregory. In this video, I’m going to show you how this bottle of water, this one here, is going to help you grow your business by making your marketing extremely more effective. So if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, marketing executive, CEO and you are trying to grow your business with any type of digital marketing, pay attention because this bottle has the key.

Now, before we do that, if you could, go to On that page, you can schedule a free strategy session with myself, where I’ll help you develop a Facebook marketing game plan for your business that will significantly grow your revenue in the next 90 days. So, that’s Do me a favor, type in the comment section so that anyone who’s trying to go to that URL can find it very easily.

Now, I saw a social media quote really recently, and I’m going to get to the bottle in just a sec, but this social media quote is kind of what is the genesis for this entire video. I’m going to share that quote with you. The quote said, and I’m not going to say who said it because I don’t want to call anybody out, but it said, “If it is easy, then you are doing it wrong.” If it is easy, then you are doing it wrong. The caption underneath the quote said, “Nothing worth having comes easy.”

I don’t agree, I don’t agree at all. There’s a lot of things that are good, that are easy that definitely are more beneficial. Case in point: since I’ve moved back to the United Kingdom, I have put on about 25 pounds in weight, which is roughly 11 kilos. I know this because I was at a wedding recently and it was very difficult to get into my tux. So, for any of those of you who likes food as much as I do it, that it’s generally better when getting into our clothes is easier. That’s just one example I can think of.

Additionally, relationships, all right? Unless you enjoy drama, an easy relationship is generally beneficial to a difficult one. Now, it’s for an example that’s very relevant to what we’re talking to today, is your marketing. Okay? If you’re marking is difficult, that is indicative of a wider problem. Okay? Business, and when I say business, I mean really like selling your products and services to your customers and clients, marketing your products and services to your customer/clients. That should be easy, it should be very easy. When it’s not, it’s generally because there’s something within that process of marketing or selling your products or services to your customers that’s broken, that’s causing friction.

If that’s the case, if it’s not easy, there are three main areas where the breakdown can happen, when there’s usually going to be friction. So what I’m going to do in the rest of this video is talk to you about where those areas could be that you could be having some problems with your marketing, that it could be friction, what’s causing the friction, and then how to fix it. Okay? We’re going to get into that in just a sec.

Now, if you want me to go into more detail on this, you can schedule a strategy session with me at, where we can really go into detail and help you with fixing any potential problems with your marketing and help you develop a game plan to significantly grow your revenue. That’s

So, the three areas where you are likely having friction, or if there’s a problem with your marketing, it’s going to be one of these three areas, generally. Now, the first area that you may be having problem with your marketing or you may see some friction is with your target. When we say target, and what I mean by that is your ideal audience. Getting more traffic, getting more leads, getting more people, visits your website. If you’re not getting the traffic that you want, if you’re not getting the leads that you want, you’re not getting enough visits, or if your cost-per-clicks are really, really, really high, or your click- through rates are really low, that is an issue with target, and that shows a friction around the targeting process.

What I mean by targeting is that the audience that you are putting your message in front of is the wrong audience. Because if you are running ads or if you are doing any type of marketing and the audience is wrong, you’re going to see lower traffic because people aren’t clicking it, you’re going to see really high cost-per-clicks because when they do, the social media marketing platforms are penalizing you, and you’re going to see really, really low click-through rates.

So, if any of those things are happening, it’s generally because of your targeting. Once you change the target and once you put the right message in front of the right audience, everything else becomes so much easier. You may see people say things like, “Well, change the image or change the headline or change the copy.” Trust me, it’s the targeting and we’re going to use our little bottle to explain.

A friend of mine, me and a friend of mine, we were in Chichen Itza in Mexico, I hope I said that correctly, we were going to visit the pyramids. Along the way, there’s this guy and he’s standing on the side of the road and he’s selling bottles of water. Now, like all typical tourists, there was lots of us there, we don’t pack any water on this journey. We were walking for ages, we were hot, we were tired. So when we see this guy on the side of the road selling water, I was like… I ran over there and I was like, “Yeah, give me some water.”

He was selling the water, and I’ll never forget it, it was the equivalent of seven pounds, which at the time was about $10. You could go and get water for two bucks at a supermarket, at a grocery store. But because he was targeting the right audience, people that are hot, people that have an issue, right, that have an issue, we’re hot, we’re tired, we need water. He didn’t really have to sell it much. Right? We were happy to pay five times the cost of what it costs anywhere else to get that water to solve that problem.

Now, his targeting was on point. Now, imagine if he was trying to sell this thing outside a supermarket, or outside a grocery store, for five times the price of the cost of it inside the grocery store. He wouldn’t be able to sell. So, your targeting is more important than anything else. If there’s any issue with your marketing, if there’s any problems, you’re having any friction, start with the target, okay? Because, you can fix the target, and if you can put the right message in front of the right person, everything else becomes easy.

The second area where you may be having some issues, or you may see some friction, or you may see some problems with your marketing is the conversion process, right? The conversion area, where people are actually becoming customers. Because if you’re getting lots of traffic, right? If you’re getting traffic, you’re getting leads, you’re getting visits, you’re getting people to come to your point of sale, whether that be online or in-person, if that’s happening but you’re not converting those people into customers, that’s a conversion issue. Okay?

One of the ways that we can kind of illustrate the difference with conversion issue or one of the ways that you can improve your conversion process is by changing the actual offer, or changing the actual presentation of delivery of the thing that you’re selling. All right?

Let’s go back to our friend who’s selling these trusty bottles of water. Now, imagine if when I got to him and I said, “Yep, I’m hot, I’m thirsty, I want a bottle of water,” and he pulled out a steel container, which was sealed up and he said, “The only way you can get the water out of this is by getting a blowtorch and blowing through the steel container to get the water.”

Now, that’s a ridiculous example, but the point remains the same. No matter how much I wanted the solution, the offer is terrible. So if the offer is terrible, we would all go over there and we’d be like, “Yes, we want water,” but the offer’s terrible. So, he’s not going to sell anything. I mean, there might be some people would say, “Now, eff it. I need the water that bad, I’m going to try and find a blowtorch.”

But I see a lot of businesses that do very similar things. They either have offers that, generally, aren’t that good or they make it extremely difficult to actually get access to the offer by having complicated sales processes or lots of steps for someone to go through before they actually become a customer. If you’re having a conversion issue, there’s an issue around the conversion process, it’s usually the offer or it’s the delivery of that offer. So, try testing out lots of different offers or try and make an offer extremely easy or going through and seeing, “Is this easy to go through? Is it easy for me to become a customer once I’ve generated some interest?” Okay? So, that’s the conversion area.

The third area where there may be some friction is the amplification, we call it the scaling. So, let’s say that you are targeting the right audience, right? You’ve put your message in front of the right people and you’ve got offered, they love your offer, but you’re not able to scale. Okay? You are making money, but there’s a cap, there’s a ceiling. You feel like every time you try and increase what’s happening, you don’t get the results that you want. There’s some friction around the amplification, around the scaling.

If we use our trustee friend again by the pyramids, imagine if the only times that he was selling the bottle of water was 11:00 PM on a Tuesday night. Now, how many tourists are going to be there at 11:00 PM on a Tuesday night? Probably not many. So no matter how good his marketing, no matter how good the solution to the problem was, right, and no matter how well the offer is, he’s now limited by his environment and by his actual market.

He could go and buy 10,000 bottles to try and sell them, there’s just not enough people there. So, that’s the same kind of analogy to anyone who’s trying to significantly grow their marketing but it’s running to issues of scale. Your market or your environment isn’t big enough. So, what are some of the things you can do? You can go into other markets, you can go and add some other audiences, you can go into a different country, maybe add in some different types of products that more people can buy.

But if there is a issue with scaling, like if you’ve got the offer right and it’s going to the right audience, but you’re not able to scale that, then have a look at the market and see if the market factors and the environment factors are affecting your ability to scale. Okay?

So, those are the three main things. If you want me to go into a lot more detail about that type of stuff, I cover it in, where you can schedule a strategy session with myself. Go to, check that out if you like this video and you like that type of stuff, but it’s a kind of recap, okay?

The three areas where you may see some problems, or may have some friction in your market, or it may be difficult if you’re finding that you’re struggling with your marketing or having some issues, your targeting, your conversion, and your amplification. Because, targeting is generally because you’re putting the wrong message in front of the wrong person. Get the right message in front of the right person, you’re targeting becomes very, very, very easy, okay? Because, people just lap that up.

Conversion, that’s usually a problem with the offer or the delivery of the offer. Okay? If you can change the offer, if you can adjust the delivery or the way it’s presented, people are going to be much more likely to say, “Yep, that’s easy. I want to go for it. I already shared my interest in wanting the offer, and now you’re making it very easy for me to buy the offer.”

Then finally, you’ve got those two things right, the right audience, the right offer, now you want to scale. It’s all about the market and the market environment. Is the market big enough? Do you need to go into other markets? Do you need to add more audiences? Do you need to maybe have some more products, because that particular market only buys a certain amount of things and it’s not big enough for you to scale?

So, those are the three areas where you may have some problems with your marketing. Once you fix those three issues in those three areas: target, and conversion, amplification, you marketing becomes a breeze. Because if you are putting the right message in front of the right person and it’s the right offer that they want, and the market is big enough, everything becomes a lot easier.

So, that is how this bottle of water, this very simple bottle of water, understanding that and the analogies that I gave could potentially, and I really hope it will help you fix any issues that you may be having in your marketing. So, that is my video for today. Hopefully you enjoyed it, please comment below if you’ve got any questions.

Also, go to if you want to schedule a free strategy session with myself, where I’ll help you develop a Facebook marketing game plan that will significantly increase your business’s revenue in the next 90 days or less. My name’s Chin Gregory. God bless, take care, and I’ll see you soon.

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